
Back in Austin

I love Austin. I was seriously missing some home time -- I loved my trip and had a fantastic time...but there is nothing like coming home, cooking some good grub, and getting ready to watch "Dancing with the Stars." It was sad to leave this morning, but I feel like this trip was the right amount of time and I accomplished all that I wanted to: spend some quality time with Mom and Dad, hang with my brothers and their families, see the new doggie, spend some time with Ryan's parents, and then have a brunch outing (courtesy of my friend Ann and her husband -- Ann used to be my boss but will always be a fantastic friend).

Yesterday was a blast -- family dinner, a Sunday staple, and there was singing, gaming, eating, laughing, caking (?), and simply a lot of fun. We also got to do some family pictures...although we're missing the older three siblings and their family -- this is the core family that make up my High School and College memories.

My flight was fairly early, so I had a quick start to the day -- but my energy peaked on the plane and I did four Deutsch lessons and feel like I made some great progress. Now, I'm cooking turkey filet minions, roasted carrots, a salad, Pilz Knödel, und Drei Pfeffer Soße. I'm a nut! (Ich bin ein Nuße! Okay, that's not quite right...)

If you would like to see the photo album of the trip, then...

2007-11: Salt Lake City


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