
German Cooking Roundup

We started the month out right with some great Deutsch Essen...when my parents visited, we made Rinderrouladen (which ended up tasting spectacular!!) and then taught my mom how to make Spätzle. She laughed as I donned ovenmitts and rammed the dough through our maker into the boiling water. I know there are some easier contraptions out there...but as Ryan says, it's no fun unless Scott gets burned.

Then, my Mom helped me make Gherkin mit Sauerraum und Dillsoße. It was amazing! Even Ryan tried and liked it, which was a big win.

My parent's visit was fantastic, we really enjoyed them being in our house. We headed out to the LBJ Ranch for a tour of the Texas White House and also did a great 4 mile hike right in our own backyard!

Another night, Ryan and I carbed it up with Knodeln and a packet of Knorr Schwäbische Käsespätzle...wow, what a difference between packet food and homemade food!

Only 20 days until our trip to Europe! I can't wait! Today, being Veteran's Day, I had the day off and worked on train tickets and adding more details to our planning website: http://germany2008.ryanscottsalon.com. Also went to Barnes and Noble to pick up a new Moleskin journal for the trip. My memories in my 2006 journal are precious and I look forward to documenting our experiences again!


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