
Recap: St. Patrick's Day, March, and April

While I had sent a few picture-posts, I forgot that I temporarily disabled auto-posting after a spammer posted on Valentine's day without me knowing. Sheesh!

So, it was time for my annual St. Patrick's Day feast and we had the boys over to enjoy! Happily, our new Le Creuset pan is the most amazing dish ever (yes, the knock-offs just don't quite work as well). I made Cottage Pie, which is like Shepherd's pie but without the lamb, steamed cabbage, brie for appetizers, and Lemon Cupcakes with Green Sprinkles from the neighborhood "Pie Slice" bakery.

We've had a great March and April, hunkering down and focusing on the house and sloughing off the remnants of Winter. My Kindle is my latest passion - I absolutely love it.

I also have another passion - my bike! I'm becoming more sporty these days, especially after a good six months (or longer?) with our amazing trainer, and am happy to be getting in better shape! Ryan is super happy, because he now has a biking buddy and we had our inaugural ride through downtown last Sunday. Here are some pics:


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At 13/4/09 14:39 , Anonymous tqe / Adam said...

You guys look like you had a great time!

Enjoy the rest of your April


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