
Old German Postcards (Alte Deutsche Postkarten) - #5

Postcard #5: "Scheidender Tag"
Nr. 1611: Scheidender Tag (Hocheder)
Farbenaufnahme von Jos. Jul. Schatz
Kunstverlag Georg Michel, Nürnberg-O
"Die Welt in Farben"

"Scheidender Tag" literally means "Separating Day" - I am not sure if that's pointing to the separation in the clearing, the clouds and blue sky, or something more cultural. On the back, it does clarify and say "Hochende" which is high.

Regardless, beautiful. It reminds me of driving through Bayern and descending on the town of Lindau - the Swiss Alps beckoned in the distance and they were beautiful like this.

Programming note: I started a series of old postcards that my Grandpa bought during his stay in WWII. He was stationed in Freising, near München, as well as in Österreich. Refer to this postcard label to see the full collection so far.




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