
Pilz Knödel

I love German packaging -- last night, trying to bring some order back to our kitchen, I put together a meal that also included "Pilz Knödel" which are these amazing dumpling-type balls that include pieces of bread, mushrooms, etc. Think of taking Stove Top, getting it wet, smashing it together in a tight ball and cooking it. It has more potatoes than Stove Top but you get the idea.

We bought some that had smaller Knödel in it -- but since each ball needs to be in a pouch that keeps them together and allows boiling water to get through...these came in their own plastic pouches with two holes for your fingers and a perforation down the center to release it after cooking. Ingenious!!

They were delicious. Last night was a joy -- being home with my hubby, watching some tv, and eating good food. Work today was a bitch but that's to be expected some days.

