
"Surely no dude'll be left over hungry"

In Slovenia, they eat horseburgers. Really, they do. While that doesn't quite shock me ("Due to exclusively vegetarian feeding horse meat is the least exposed to food manipulation."), I was bowled over by the website for "Hot Horse" a sort-of local burger chain.

It is a great paradox when you look at the actual words within "Kentucky Fried Chicken". No diff between that and "Hot Horse" right? Where you can get a nice Colt Steak Burger. Because, as the website says, "I dash a natural, juicy, properly thick steak of colt meat, which I've roasted quickly, into a fresh roll and fill it up all together with all the supplement your hart wishes for." Sounds great! I'll have that!

Enjoy the website...I look forward to the nacho, cabbage, and ajvar supplements the most!


p.s. We've confirmed our private tour in Ljubljana with one of Rick Steve's tour guides...I'm super excited for that! Speaking of, we're off to get ready for his talk at BookPeople in Austin.


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At 19/11/08 14:43 , Blogger Jessica said...

I'm pretty sure I had a horseburger in Scotland once. It wasn't beef or lamb and it did not taste good.

At 24/11/08 22:07 , Blogger R3Monkeys said...

As a horse lover I can understand why they would pick horse. In the state of califorina it is agianst the law to slagter a horse for consumption. Not even dog food. For years we have been going to an auction (our 2 wonderful horses are from there) there are so many horses that need to be put down but for some reason people think its ok to be so cruel. So with that I'm ok with the occasional horse steak.

At 6/12/08 06:33 , Anonymous jean said...

Interesting perception. You are right that "Kentucky Fried Chicken" is no difference to "Hot horse". Just we are more used to chicken in the dish than horse.

Hope you had a nice tour in Ljubljana. If met any good tour guides, would you recommend to OurExplorer.com, a tour guide portal site? Then more travelers would benefit. :)

local guides, local wisdom


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