
2008: A year in pictures Part I

I copied Jessica on her "2007 year in review" last year and seeing that she's already done her post (you are so on top of things!), here's a look back at the first six months of the year.


We rang in the new year at home, barely making it through our "The Amazing Race" game that I found for $10.


Our long-lost friend, Mary, visited.


Probably the busiest month of the year - we bought the front house...

...celebrated St. Patrick's Day (Scott with Steve)...

...and spent Easter at Loretta and Jay's ranch...


I turned 31 and Ryan did a lot of work on the outdoor ambience....

..and Kris introduced us to "Chicken Shit Bingo" at Little Ginnie's Longhorn saloon.


I went back to Salt Lake City to see my brother graduate from college, celebrate my grandparent's 70th anniversary, and get the news that I had been promoted....

...we also replaced the roof on the front house...

...and our Aero Saarinen table finally arrived!


One of my favorite months this year! Day trips, weekend trips, loads of fun. Ryan went to a week-long advanced course at Vidal Sassoon in Santa Monica (his first long trip all by himself - he did great!)...

...after we spent a wonderful weekend relaxing in Orange County, including time at Huntington Beach...

...and walking the canals in Venice, California (the first Venice of the year!)...

...and under the watchful eyes of Melissa, big kitty Grete awaits our return...

...we also headed to Lockhart for some BBQ love (for better or worse)!


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