
Squirrel Summer

Here in Austin, the normal high has been around 103 F (between 39 and 40 C) for a few weeks now. Yesterday was actually the 23rd day over 100 F degrees! Usually, these temps don't come around to bake us until August or September...but last year and this year the baking came in June and July.

And then there's our poor Squirrel. I think he's been abandoned by others and/or successful in kicking out the dork Squirrels we've had for the past two years. This boy is industrious - he moves about the Pecan trees in the back quickly, doesn't nervously chew on it as much as the others did, and many days will sun himself on the tree outside our guest room - watching Grete do the same on the guest bed.

In fact, Grete and he have developed quite the relationship - I actually think that he believes he is a cat. Seriously. He loves to lounge in the sun, within a little distance from her...of course, he's outside, she's inside. We've named him Romeo because he's wooing our daughter lately on our kitchen balcony. She lures him with well placed almonds and such...

Chillin with some nuts

Romeo digs a trench in the moist soil to cool off

Grete patiently awaits, singing "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge

Romeo buys himself a drink

The pivotal moment - can Squirrels see through glass? Grete awaits the answer

Now I think this playa' Romeo is just leading our little girl on


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At 12/7/09 09:34 , Anonymous tqe / Adam said...


I have to say that you got some great photos of the little squirrel, showing him quite relaxed and comfortable.


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