
Book Review: Renegade's Magic

Yes, I'm also a fantasy book geek...just finished the thrilling conclusion to Robin Hobb's Soldier Son trilogy. And no, I'm not a very good review writer but need to get the word out about this beautiful author!

Renegade's Magic: The Soldier Son Trilogy Renegade's Magic: The Soldier Son Trilogy by Robin Hobb

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
A fantastic conclusion to one of the top trilogies in recent memory. Each book has its own cadence, themes, and era, making each book an exciting and new adventure, rather than repeats through 600+ pages. This final book is exhilarating, with complex plot points seemingly resolving, while tattering apart moments later.

The book resolves itself extremely well, with a satisfying end of the book (as opposed to an abrupt end). The descriptions of the land, forests, and people are exquisite - and I found her vein of "magic" to be intriguing, yet frustrating in a good way.

I definitely recommend starting from the first book, but think that you'll enjoy the beautiful tale.

View all my reviews.




Alan Furst: The Foreign Correspondent

The Foreign Correspondent: A Novel The Foreign Correspondent: A Novel by Alan Furst
rating: 5 of 5 stars

As my first foray into espionage thrillers, I was excited to see what was ahead -- would it be military-focused and procedural (ala Tom Clancy?) I hoped not. I wanted something more akin to Patricia Highsmith. I wanted brooding, the anti-hero, classic European sights, twisting plot, dark and light characters.

I definitely got that -- and more: history, pre-WWII, insights into the political machineries that Hollywood-produced movies self-centeredly miss.

As a fan of fantasy books, with their self-produced maps and a world built from scratch -- I found a close resonance in Furst's world, although his map is of Paris. I was tempted to pull open Google Maps and try to verify; but the descriptive writing, the way he weaved me into the surroundings authenticated the facts and I completely believed the story.

I'm off to buy my next Furst novel.


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