
Deutsches Beefsteak

My “German Cookbook” has turned into quite the gem. We’ve now tried a dozen recipes and each one has been fantastic. I’ve compared notes with my German co-worker and she nods her head each time I walk her through my cooking experience -- authentic, yes.

This week I was a culinary nut -- some fantastic meals. Chicken Madeira (of Cheesecake Factory fame) with real mashed potatoes and roasted red bell peppers, Balsamic Beef Tenderloin with roasted carrots and leeks, Deutsches Beefsteak with Serviette Knoedel, Spargel (asparagus), und drei Pfeffer sosse.

The Deutsches Beefsteak, aka German Hamburger, was very similar to something my mom makes -- Navigator Burgers -- but without the sour cream. You don’t put a bun on these, simply serve them with onions on top.

Today I have to go and finalize what we’re doing with what’s left at the old house. There is an entertainment center, a desk, a fake tree, and a bunch of little things. At this point, I don’t really want to do a garage sale and would rather truck it all to Goodwill...except I don’t have a truck. I’ll try to craigslist some of it, but don’t know if it’ll move fast enough.


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"Moving in" Photo Album

Here is our "moving in" photo album...

Or, click here to watch it in full screen.




Settling In

This move has been fairly smooth in some aspects (the movers, packing, the kids) but rough in others (the builder, the sub-contractors) and it’s still not over because we don’t close until later this month. Although we’re about ready to let out a scream of “phew” I won’t and can’t until it’s truly done.

Isaac and Grete have settled in perfectly -- it took Grete a few days to find her groove, but this morning the “shredder” was back at my Saturday newspaper inspiring me to clean by throwing bits of newspaper throughout the house. Last I saw, she was vigorously reading the Sports section downstairs.

Isaac loves the windows and talks every moment of the day! He’s even learning some more sounds, though, a by-product of practicing. We’ve started making him a weekly “Layered Salad” with green goodness and that’s really showing in his feathers and demeanor. I think his internal bio-systems are happy. I also love the fact that each morning he can wake with the sun, roost as it goes down, and just watch birds, squirrels, and airplanes from the big windows. The Saturday morning shower has come and gone.

I went to Norfolk for work last week, and it was a great trip -- met some of the newer trainers on the team and reconnected with everyone else. All good news. When I went to my favorite restaurant there, Havana, the bartender immediately poured a glass of the Montepulciano without me asking. I go there too often and will be going there more through the end of the year.

Oh, Ryan had his birthday and I bought him a new wallet and lots of clothing. I wrapped everything and made a “Present Skyscraper.” He wears the same stuff over and over and frankly isn’t as messy with color/bleach as he used to be -- so it was time for more clothes. Unfortunately, one of the best shirts was too small and since I got it on sale I can’t take it back...it fits me...how big of a loser do I feel that I buy him something that only I can wear. Ugh.

I love the kitchen in this house -- I’ve already cooked a few meals, including a German one with Wienerschnitzel (Ryan said it was the best I’ve made) and Gemüse au Gratin.

Time to do chores around here. I really love this house. Listening to Caribou and ready to take on the day.


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On the move

Every two or so years, we get a strong urgency to move. Sometimes it’s because of opportunity and one of us pushes the other (Salt Lake to Austin). It’s also been a desire to “grow up” a bit (from our Belaire Apartment to Millpoint Condo). Move to our current house was a fantastic move -- we really like it here. The neighbors are great, our house is beautiful, and our backyard is big and landscaped.

But when the urge comes, we always follow it. Now, I wish I were about to tell you that we’re moving to Stuttgart or Berlin...but that’s coming in a few years, so practice your surprised face.

We are under contract with the new house -- it’s beautiful, modern, closer to the things we like to do, very private, and I am so excited.

It shares a lot with a 1938 bungalow -- this is a Austin thing they do -- but the lot is so long that they previously had a huge garage back there. Here are some more pictures...

So...that will be our home for the next few years...the “treehouse” if you will. We have an open house for the current place tomorrow and we’ve done about 5 showings so far. The kids are great, they get into their travel cages and we drive to the park and sit until an hour passes. Sometimes, it feels like a part of a mechanical wheel and suddenly it’s easy to get this done because it’s a process.

Oh, yes, Grete -- she’s a big girl already and doing great!

